Gardening Activities

Gardening - Fun Outdoors

Who would have thought that digging in the dirt could lead to friendships and new skills?

Learning Life Skills Through Gardening

Enjoy Wandering Around The Veggie Patches

We have three veggie patches and encourage participants to get involved in gardening and maintaining the garden.

Come and taste what we made in our own backyard!

Gardening helps to build skills for life

We use the produce participants have gardened in cooking classes.

Gardening is a valuable life skill, great for exercise, a sense of achievement, and saving money.

Gardening can be either a hobby or a career path. You can turn these skills into a lifelong career of being a landscaper or save a lot of money in the future by knowing how to look after the plants in your own garden.

A bunch of potted plants are sitting on a table. SIL – Supported Independent Living, NDIS, Canberra

"Come And Check Out The Fun Garden" - Says Aria

“When I'm in my garden, I feel relaxed, and I get to move around. This is my happy place.”

"Gardens bring people together, fostering cooperation and teamwork, which is valuable for the people we work with."

- Aria

Being Part Of A Gardening Community

Gardens bring people together, fostering cooperation and teamwork.

We discover worms, pull weeds out and dig in the dirt - it feels great.

When we get together and dig in the garden - it's like the worries of the day fall off us. We can just be silly and have some fun.

Gardening takes patience - but a few weeks later when we see the results of what we've grown - it's a great feeling.

A lot of young people, who are fussy eaters, are willing to try cooking and eating the food they have planted and grown in the garden.

We would love to invite your young person to join us in the garden.

Two women are sitting around a campfire in the woods. SIL – Supported Independent Living, NDIS, Canberra
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